What Fans Say
For anyone who wants to write a book and be compensated for it, this is a must read. Using case studies based on her own successful journey, Isenberg delivers an informative “how to” that teaches authors how to negotiate the new frontier of publishing, and – just as importantly – how to make money before they’re even out of the gate.Pablo Fenjves, NYT Times Bestselling Author & Screenwriter, Man on a Ledge
Author Power is like jet fuel for next-age publishing and promotion that leverages an author’s creative assets (and energy) to amplify all possible revenue streams. Ignore this book at your peril.Jon Samsel, CMO, Coin of Sale; Author, Writing for Interactive MultiMedia
Lynn shares her secrets on how to leverage story into profit and that’s the genius of Author Power!Frank Beddor, Author/ Producer, The Looking Glass Wars Trilogy, There’s Something About Mary, Wicked, The Juliet
Author Power is a game changer – shifting the economic power of writing into the hands of the writers.Andrew Bird, Marketing Leader, Deloitte; Author, Putting the Profit in Nonprofit
Every author, whether they are traditionally published, self-published or aspiring, needs to read this book.SJ Hodges, Celebrity Ghostwriter
Author Power creates a disruptive narrative on the form of narrative itself with advocacy for writers everywhere and at every stage of their careers.Josh Linkner, CEO/Managing Partner, Detroit Venture Partners; NY Times Bestselling Author, Disciplined Dreaming, The Road to Reinvention
Author Power fast-tracks your publishing journey and gives you tools to compensate your hard work before your book leaves your desktop!Liz H. Kelly, Founder, Goody PR/Goody Awards; Author, Smart Man Hunting
When the entertainment and advertising business changed forever with the evolution of the Internet and ubiquitous content, Lynn Isenberg not only reinvented herself, but reinvented ways to do business–innovating TV, web content, books, business, and ultimately box office. AUTHOR POWER makes convergence a reality, not a buzz word. Thanks Lynn, for putting into words what we all are experimenting with and validating new ways we will finance and consume content.Kevin Foxe, Producer/Director, The Blair Witch Project, Jackson Horn, The Ghost Experiment
With “Author Power,” author Lynn Isenberg has written a book worth millions. It’s a privilege to have such a book like this available that will teach new authors and experienced ones how to maximize their book sales with a bit of careful planning and effort. There’s nothing like this on the market that I’ve seen so far. It’s one I’ll be keeping on my bookshelf for decades.Donna Ledbetter, Reviewer, NetGalley
Anyone who considers themselves an author or is even thinking about getting into the writing world NEEDS this book! There are so many great tips in this book. It is a treasure trove of information for authors who are trying to launch their career and make money at it. Lynn Isenberg has done a great service to authors everywhere by writing this book!Ella Drayton, Founder, Writer In Progress
The Internet has democratized the process of creating content, but this abundance has also hurt the overall writing community on the whole. Budding authors now find it increasingly difficult to break into the publishing industry. The explosion of self-published writers and ability to reach readers through services like Kindle and BN has dried up the once fat advances that authors could hope to get from publishers. Becoming a career author has become increasingly challenging and not so lucrative. In Author Power, Lynn Isenberg shows you how you can turn around your fortune as a writer. She argues that authors now need to shed the image of a reclusive writer and proactively hustle for their dues. With the advice that she shares in this book, the author promises that you can earn a fortune even before you get your book out and get on the charts. Lynn Isenberg is the author of comedic trilogy The Funeral planner and frequently consults for entertainment technology companies and teaches Transmedia Entertainment at LMU. She is also the Chief Creative Officer at Focus Media Inc. where she crafts cutting edge narratives, branded entertainment, and publishing properties for select clients. While I believe that Author Power is most useful for authors who already have a book under their belt and a good sales number in their armory, it shouldn’t stop never published writers from applying the solutions that Author Power shares. The process of publishing has undergone a big change like every other business. In the first part, The I Am Philosophy, the author outlines these changes and shows you why you need to sit up and take notice of these changes and face the reality. She sums up the state of publishing when she says “Unfortunately, the days of giant advances are over, unless you’ve reached a celebrity status and can guarantee substantial sales and media attention on your own.” But a change doesn’t really mean that you are out of business. It is just that you need to adapt to the changing environment and find new ways to generate business. She suggests that authors need to see themselves as entrepreneurs, and explores the new roles and helps you in adopting these roles. Part II, Strategies, begins with how self-publishing is not necessarily the last option. Here, the author talks about various ways the author can raise money even before the book is finished. Crowd sourcing is the most ‘happening’ thing in the business world. Raising money as a loan or in return for endorsements is gaining traction in various industries. The movie and television industry is no stranger to product placement and the author believes there’s no reason why it cannot be done in a book. The author shares literally hundreds of ways you can raise money for your writing project before the book hits the stands. Throughout the book, the author provides various resources to put in action what she suggests. You will not just find examples of how she did it or how someone else did it, but also concrete resources to do what she did. She also goes a step further by actually quoting email transcripts and chats she had with different corporate sponsors and other small businesses. Part III of the book, Proof of Concept, shares and end-to-end case study of how Jim Dratfield managed his book Dogphoria. All this marketing jargon can sound too intimidating to authors. Lynn Isenberg gives you the basic tools to run your next book project and provides you with the material for each step of the way in Must Have Materials: Roadmaps. You can see everything that the author professes applied to Author Power. A simple online search will help you see how the author has put in action what she has shared. Author Power is a must-have book for every published, self-published, and wannabe writer. You will find some great resources to make money and support your next book.Prasanna Bidkar, Owner, RightMix Technologies
First off, I have to applaud this author for taking the time and effort to document what has worked for her and shared it with the rest of us. She didn’t asked us to pay hundreds to attend a seminar or sign up for an online course. She piled her experience, examples, tips and approach into a book any writer could afford. It is WELL worth this price and more. This will be a longish review because the content has so much to offer about the ‘business’ of writing. I think that is important. Today’s authors are usually holding down a day job, attending to a family, putting time into their writing craft and also trying to learn about how to market their book with social media. Not all writers are born salesmen and promoting their own creative work is awkward for most. This book takes the promotional portion of a writing career to an entirely different level. It is very similar to product placement in the movies. I know what you are thinking. Where do I find time to learn and do that? If writing isn’t just a hobby for you, if you want to make a career out of it and let go of that day job somewhere along the way, then you owe it to yourself to have a business plan. Branding yourself, your characters, and having multiple streams of income from your work are going to get you to your goals faster. Here’s just one priceless paragraph to help the writer: “Okay, you’re about to call a complete stranger and ask them for money. Step back. Reframe. No. That’s not it. You’re about to call a really cool, creative person and forge a professional relationship and maybe even make a new friend. You’re going to ask them to believe in the opportunity you want to present to them, to read and consider your follow-up e-mail, and to invest in your idea. And maybe, if you can establish a professional friendship, it will turn into results you can imagine and some you can’t.” I will admit that I think Lynn maybe had a head start compared to the rest of us. It seems with some of the name dropping and info about her previous career she may have already been around the entertainment industry and had a few contacts we may not have. Her character in her novels is also an entrepreneur, this may have made it a touch easier to associate an industry with her novels. However, we could all put this plan into place on some level. Maybe you don’t know a movie star, but the local weather man attends your church. Is there an opportunity there? Maybe you can’t land a national chain like 1-800 Flowers, but could you forge a 10% discount at a local restaurant for anyone that takes of picture of themselves with your book in hand? Maybe. This author includes technical as well as inspirational content. There are examples of contact letters and emails, scripts for making phone calls, bullet lists of the benefits of sponsorship, examples of contracts for promotional agreements, sections on alternative marketing campaigns, and a resources section. I think any author that intends on making income from their creative work needs to read this book. Hands down 5 stars. I was provided a free copy of this book through NetGalley to read and write an honest review. Felita Daniels, Owner, Lilac Reviews
GREAT book! I mean, really great. Lots of new and original ideas for marketing. Too often with books like this it’s the same old thing over and over and this definitely isn’t that.Cherie Burbach, Founder, Working Writers
Writers of all publishing camps, whether traditional or indie, need to read this book. Lynn Isenberg brings her experience from the business/marketing world, Hollywood and the publishing world in a remarkable new way to increase that ever-so-sought after visibility. Branding takes on a whole new definition with Isenberg’s tutelage. She outlines ways for authors to look outside the norm for getting their message, their novels to new audiences than ever thought of before. Just as Hollywood clamors for deals with big businesses to place products in their films, authors can utilize the same ideas within their novels with brand partnerships. She warns that this isn’t “selling out” but rather joining forces with others that equally need the exposure to ensure it’s a win-win for both the author and the company/charity. It doesn’t stop with just product endorsements, but is limitless with social causes that need more attention to benefit charities and whatnot. As long as the book stays true and doesn’t pander to products, but rather showcases them in real ways the character would use or interact with them. This book advises authors to look into tradeshows, conventions and other out-of-the-box venues to showcase the author’s work married to the subject of those gathered there. The avenues within multi-media are endless as technology merges with story more and more. Apps, video games, videos, short films, commercials etc. are among the many that could be included in this marketing avenue. Author Power offers not only the roadmap of how to utilize these techniques but offers basic scripts for cold calling and examples of basic contracts. It offers sample press releases and multi-media sponsorship packages and ways to create alternative marketing campaigns. Above all, it brings to the forefront that in today’s publishing world, an author can no longer sit back and write without also being a business person. They need to think beyond the pages and be creative in bringing their books to the world. They need to bring the world into their books.Shannon L Gonzalez, Reviewer, Literarily Illumined Critiques
As a recent recipient of a Masters Degree in Professional Writing, I, like a lot of my fellow alums, have been wondering what now?? Our instructors, all of whom have published amazing works, did it the old-fashioned way: they earned themselves agents and publishers and, in some cases, best seller status and movie deals. But the truth is, in these shifting and insecure times in the publishing world, most of us still end up feeling like fairytale princesses, hoping and praying for Prince Agent/Publisher Charming to choose us so we can start the journey toward a lucrative literary life. But what if there were an alternative route? What if we writers through our own efforts, could start getting an income from our work before it’s even published? Renaissance woman Lynn Isenberg not only knows from first hand experience that it’s possible, she generously shares her knowledge of how to make that possibility a reality in the amazing, mind-expanding Author Power: Profit Before You Publish. Step by step, she gently and clearly teaches the reader her “I AM” philosophy. Writers, she believes, need to be more than just writers to find success in today’s world. They must be “Impresarios,” self-starters who create their own brands and embrace innovative new ideas and methods like transmedia; “Authors,” Author Power authors to be exact, who not only complete and publish their work, but also act as architects of their book’s branding; and “Marketers,” unashamed of finding and using creative ways to get income from their creations.Caron Tate, Master of Arts in Professional Writing, The University of Southern California
I’ve read a lot of “How to Writing Books.” I’ve even read a few how to publish, despite the fact that I have a zillion started stories and none complete. “Author Power” is awesome at being inspirational for a beginner like myself or for an advanced author. It has tons of creative and unique tips to motivate and point you in the right direction for what would work the best for you. I’m working on a few short stories right now and after reading “Author Power” I can honestly say I have a goal and a direction to be published and making money in just a couple months. I received a copy of this great book on Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.Sheryl Parrish, Reviewer, NetGalley
This was a great book full of not only useful information but inspiration as well. I think this should be read by anyone even thinking about writing. It inspired me to get working again. No matter your level of experience I think any writer would find useful information in this book. I have read many books on this subject and this was by far one of the best. A book I would highly recommend. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not effect my review one way or the other.Shannon Watz, Reviewer, NetGalley
Terrific reality check for authors in the new writing economy. The truths are hard to take, but accurate, with a game plan for the savvy, super motivated to overcome hurdles. Well done.Diana Belchase, Award-Winning Author & Reviewer, DianaBelchase.com
I appreciate Ms. Isenberg’s ability to take what has always been a mystery to writers and bring it out into the open. Her tips and techniques are well researched and supported. I think this book is a tool that any writer’s arsenal should contain. It is written in a conversational and anecdotal style. The information contained seems to be applicable to writer’s both beginning and established. I especially appreciated her notes on the use of technology and social marketing.Janet Kinsella, Reviewer, NetGalley
Author Power is a roadmap of how to market your work and yourself as a writer. It’s full of tips, templates and tools to empower authors. The days of big advances from your publisher are long gone, and Author Power provides new, alternative approaches to making the most of your efforts.Mike Hale, Reviewer, Commencia
This guide is geared towards authors who want to leverage every aspect of their non-fiction and to a lesser extent, fiction print books. Written by a professional from the movie industry the concept of branded content in your work and branded entertainment is brilliantly explained and explored in depth. How you approach and pitch to potential sponsors is quite fascinating and a real insight into how books and branding can be combined. This approach to leveraging your book ideas is both motivating and inspiring.Nina Harrington, Reviewer, NetGalley
It’s finally over. *sigh* A really beautiful story. Complex yet easy to understand. Practical yet emotionally touching. Serious but yet again witty. A true storyteller, you are. Thanks for posting and sharing it here :- !Ares W.
It’s amazing… Waaayy too amazing. I read and think, and laugh and think, and cry and think again. And just keep on reading. Wow!Winston A.
This is an absolutely fantastic and brilliant book. One would think that the name would put you off, but man was I wrong. The message in the book too. I’ve never liked the whole idea of wearing black to a funeral and all of that. This book brought my thoughts to life and I will definitely recommend it to friends. Bravo!Mid I.
Wow! I extremely love how you have used Third Person in the epilogue; it gives a very unique touch to this novel. And all the happily ever afters….! I had to stop myself from screaming! Super happy! This has been a wonderful journey, thank you so much for sharing this with us. Thank you and looking forward to reading your future works. Good luck! x 🙂Arora A.
This is lovely. The lead is richly developed and authentic. This could be a dark tale, but so far feels light and refreshing. Excellent writing on an awesome first chapter. 🙂 I love the family dynamic. Parents who will drive you crazy, yet keep you sane. Perfect. The gentle comic note balances so well with the darker note of funerals and final goodbyes. It’s great how the wheels are turning on how those goodbyes can be improved through better choices and planning. So good.Vandi S.
Unique spin on such a delicate subject. I enjoyed Maddy’s speech and touching moment with Tara’s father! Looking forward to reading more!Chicklit Reader
This isn’t normally a genre that I read in, but your writing voice is so reminiscent of Anne Rice’s and I am so very fond of her voice. This is great work! I read part of your first chapter, and thought that was wonderfully well-written. This totally deserves its spot on the top 10. And I’m pretty confident we’ll be seeing this on the Featured List at some point. Well done! 🙂 Hope I can learn from your work too. 🙂Michael L.
Very powerful words used, “by learning how to die, I learnt how to live”. For me, this was the most meaningful and moving chapter yet. When we lose something, we all shirk away from grieving, and try to tell ourselves it doesn’t matter, and that we should move on with our lives. But it’s this reason that has a sharp pain lancing through us everyday. Instead facing grief head-on, looking our losses in the eye…that takes real courage, and you never really get over something unless you allow yourself to feel the grief. For Maddy, it was her life, for me, it’s the death of a relationship. This chapter really helped put things in perspective for me. Thank you so much for this.Barb D.
This story had just enough of everything I like: a tough cookie (Maddy) with sensibility, romance, comedy, family & friendship, community, its share of drama, and a happy ending. It also introduced me to things I didn’t ever read about like the funeral business, surviving a loved one’s death, and finance. The financing part I didn’t really absorb, I must admit. But the life celebration part has left me thinking – a lot. I always did tell my family that I wanted my favorite rock songs sung at my funeral and that I didn’t want wreaths. Now I have more to consider. Thank you, Lynn, for a wonderful story.Capri C.
Loved the funeral planner. Look forward to the last two books. It’s finally fun learning something that could also build up your life. Thank you. Great read.Chim M.
So so thankful to have stumbled upon this book! For creating a business for my business studies subject in College, this has honestly given me so many ideas on how to ace the project! Thanks so much!!Al S.
This is the first book I’ve read by you but will definitely be obtaining others. The characters surrounding Madison were clever, funny, and supportive. I liked the twists to the plot and the evil dude from the past – who she gets to send away a second time. It is good when justice works. I looked at the website as well – how neat that it is still alive and that Lights Out Enterprises became real. Such a terrific idea. Thanks for providing me with an entertaining afternoon of reading.Virginia R.
Thank you for this book. It appealed to me as a woman with an MBA who is intrigued by how it propels others to define themselves, and as someone who once considered becoming a mortician. I like the depth of the story and the characters. I absolutely abhorred Derek Rogers and almost put the book down because it is so hard to read about people victimizing others, and profiting. And even though I knew a romance was coming, it wasn’t a distraction. I’m looking forward to reading your other novel.Jennifer G.
Hi there. I have just finished the Funeral Planner. Oh my stars! How nice to know someone else thinks the way I do. I have paid for my celebration. Sorted the catering and am planning a “dress rehearsel” for my significant birthday in 2013. I have a “deathday box” containing my clothes/jewels/shoes, etc. for when the big day arrives. Have just updated my will and am seriously enjoying planning my rehearsal. Work colleagues think I’m nuts. Close friends and family truly get it. Currently researching “funeral favours” … I LOVE the concept!!!!! I am a shoe princess with a passion for spiders and love champagne and all things English language. With dominatrix tendencies on the side, my funeral favours will be a champagne glass etched with a spider, a pair of heels and a whip! Your book inspired me to actually get this thing moving. My deathday cake will be a black forest gateau decorated with purple and red fondant stilettos … best friend already onto it. Can’t wait to read “The Funeral Planner Goes to Washington.” LOVED the book. It made me laugh lots and cry some too. Best wishes from Down Under.Marieon G.
I’ve known her since she was a little girl running around in Danskins. She was always entertaining… and she still is.Sandra Bernhard, Actress, Comedienne, Singer, Author
Lynn Isenberg is totally in control of a plot with more turns than a labyrinth and an out-of-control heroine juggling two identities. You’ll LOL at this naked look at the Hollywood porn industry, but Isenberg’s talent is not a laughing matter… Read it in one long gulp!Faye Moskowitz, Author, Peace in the House; Chair, English Department, George Washington University
Lynn Isenberg’s book is total proof that the best part of making it is your own personal story about how you did it. Funny, honest, twisted and deep – what else could you want? Oh, yeah – there are sex scenes!Jeff Arch, Academy Award-Nominated Screenwriter, Sleepless in Seattle; Author, The Bell Tower
“My Life Uncovered” is a comic adventure more infectious than anything that happens within the world of the adult films it chronicles. This is not a plodding minuet but a very intricate concerto well-played which I could recommend to everyone.Adam Belanoff, Writer-Producer, Wings, Cosby, Murphy Brown
“FULLY ENGAGING… Isenberg gracefully weaves the intricate plot of a charming young woman and her fortuitous porn writer alter-ego leaving us all to rethink conventional morality. Her wonderful storytelling coupled with an endearing humor makes it a can’t-put-down book.Katie Myers, English Major, Syracuse University
“My Life Uncovered is a fun-filled roller coaster ride through the competing worlds of Hollywood and adult entertainment. With the help of girl-next-door Laura Taylor, Lynn Isenberg gives the rest of us an inside look at a world of steals and deals that before remained a mystery. I laughed and then I laughed some more and then I laughed so hard I cried.Pamela Simon, English Major, Arizona State University
Lynn Isenberg – writing as Laura Taylor writing as Bella Feega – reminds one of Robert Evans in “The Kid Stays In The Picture” – if Evans had been liberated from his conventional mores and Hollywood were half as compelling as the world of erotic entertainment…Adam Belanoff, Writer-Producer, Wings, Cosby, Murphy Brown
Laura Taylor left Michigan for the lights of Los Angeles where she hopes to make it as a screen writer rather than a waitress or pumping gas in San Jose. Her agent Scott Sher of Significant Talent Agency says he just cut a major deal for her. However, not only does she learn this was a lie, but that he has quit and vanished either with the Peace Corps or in a detox cell. When her car breaks down, her mechanic Joseph sees a script and suggests he take it to his cousin who works for Accent Film Company. Under the name of Bella Feega, Laura begins writing scripts for porno movies. However, Laura’s efforts to hide her money making career from her mainstream attempts prove difficult and futile as her two worlds collide exposing a good Jewish girl. MY LIFE UNCOVERED is an amusing look at Hollywood from the perspective of a talented wannabe. The vast support cast (a list at the beginning is critical to keep track) enables readers to get up close and personal with Laura or her alter ego. The frazzled Laura is the key to the tale as she comes across as genuine even when her antics seem off kilter. Chick lit fans will enjoy Lynn Isenberg’s ironic homage to the movies sort of like the Debbie Reynolds character in Singing in the Rain solo starring.Romance Reviews Today
Hot Pick of the WeekUS Magazine
Isenberg’s delightful debut tells the tale of a woman trying to break into Hollywood screenwriting who finds herself writing for a rather different clientele. …Along the way, she meets a colorful cast of adult movie star, connoisseurs, and a handsome cinematographer, making for a hilarious comedy of love and fulfillment in unexpected places.Booklist Review
For a steamy, funny, and well-written story about a woman who never gives up, try MY LIFE UNCOVERED to heat up your winter nights.Liz Ragland-Thompson, Romance Reviews Today
What happens when…. a really nice well-bred girl moves to LA to write the great American screenplay and inadvertently ends up writing the great American adult movie… (yes, inspired by a particular passage of time in the life of the author)All About Romance
Love this book – it’s always my go-to beach read!Natalie V., Fan
What Clients Say
Having known Lynn for more than 15 years, I can honestly say that she is a menace. A menace to mediocrity, old-school thinking, and all things considered conventional. Incredibly creative, business adept, and well-spoken, Lynn possesses a skill set and fresh perspective rarely seen in the business world. A prolific writer, networker, marketing strategist, storyteller, and change agent, Lynn’s mark on any organization or endeavor always leaves a positive and very, very lasting impression.

Jon Samsel
It was truly a pleasure working with Lynn on the Dogphoria project. She’s a tireless advocate for her client who made sure our interests as a strategic partner were represented at every turn. We were very pleased with the results, and happy she helped make a difference for pets along the way!

David Yaskulka
Lynn is smart, funny and extremely capable – and I frequently rely on her informed opinion on a range of subjects. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Adam Belanoff
Lynn Isenberg is a terrific business development executive as well as a prolific creator of original content across multi-media platforms. She combines her skills, resources and relationships across a wide range of industries to achieve and exceed objectives and goals. She possesses an uncanny ability to see connections that others miss and not only comes up with valuable concepts, ideas and high level introductions, she also implements them—a rare and highly valuable combination. She is an tremendous asset to anyone who has the good fortune to work with her.

Adam Taylor
Lynn Isenberg is the most creative person that I have met in my professional career. She is one of those people with the exceptional talent for seeing the future potential long before others begin to realize the possibilities. Super bright, energetic, full of ideas and always has a positive outlook. Who does not want to work with a professional like this! Lynn is very accomplished as a business development executive, content creator across multi-platforms, and in creative and strategic marketing which she not only concepts but skillfully implements. I am exceptionally excited about the vision Lynn has brought to celebrating one’s life at the end of life. This is a unique space in which she continues to generate and implement great ideas that are game changers.

Greg Grabowski
If you’re looking for a strong producing partner, a writer, a brand manager and expert at how to get your foot in the door- look no further than Lynn Isenberg. One of the hardest working writers in the business who deserves her time more than anyone in the spotlight. Lynn will keep you laughing at every meeting while she delivers a passionate pitch on any project she is handling. Smart, quick-witted & talented. Always over prepared and ready to take on the giants in this biz, it’s a matter of time before she is grabbed up and show running the next big hit. Any studio executive would be blessed to have her in their camp.

Karen Waldron
Lynn brings energy, enthusiasm, media marketing savvy and an articulate sense of humor to everything she touches.

Mark Schurman
Lynn Isenberg joined the extended marketing efforts of our PC game, Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force, and immediately became a force for the game. Her understanding of our audience, especially the important target of Star Trek fans around the internet, proved itself over and over as she guided us to make the right choices.

Laird Malamed
Lynn focuses on growth and delivers increased awareness for her clients through clever programs built on lateral thinking and high-level relationships.